All the airlines of the world operate their services to hundreds of destinations in different countries for the travelers to visit for varieties of purposes. Airlines focus upon their network of destinations in their advertisements as each of those is a valuable product for marketing and selling.
Geography is one of the key aspects in planning and pricing of a travel. Importantly, IATA has divided the world in its Traffic conference areas and further sub areas with some exceptions to the general political geography which is particularly applied to various international air tariff construction rules.
Each traveler (customer) may need to travel to a different destination or a set of destinations. He contacts a travel consultant in expectation of an expert advice regarding the features of the destinations he likes to visit and the best way his travel plan is routed through. Therefore, it is extremely essential for a travel consultant to have substantial knowledge of world destination geography.
Let us begin with the continents and the oceans of our earth. It is amazing to know that 71% of the earth is composed of the water of oceans and just about 29% the land. The earth's land is divided into seven major parts called continents. Listed below are the seven continents according to the ranks of their sizes.

1. ASIA 44,485,900 sq. km. 30.0% of earth's land
2. AFRICA 30,269,680 sq. km. 20.4%
3. NORTH AMERICA 24,235,280 sq. km. 16.3%
4. SOUTH AMERICA 17,820,770 sq. km 12.0%
5. ANTARCTICA 13,209,000 sq. km. 8.9%
6. EUROPE 10,530,750 sq. km. 7.1%
7. AUSTRALIA 7,682,300 sq. km. 5.2%

The four major oceans of the world are listed below according to their sizes.

1. PACIFIC 166,241,000 sq. kin. 46.0% of earth's water area
2. ATLANTIC 86,557,000 sq. km. 23.9%
3. INDIAN 73,427,000 sq. km 20.3%
4. ARCTIC 9,485,000 sq. km. 2.6%

IATA has divided the world into three areas called IATA Traffic Conference Areas for the purpose of regulations. Each of the Traffic conference area has also been divided into sub areas. You will find the description of them in the following pages with a map and further detailed in the list of the countries, their capitals and major cities along with the three letter IATA city and airport codes. This workbook also contains some blank maps for you to practice memorizing the locations of the major travel destinations of the world.

International Travel & Tourism Training Programme
For your easier reference, although the following locations are listed alphabetically in the PAT General Rules Book, this section gives you a copy of the list of countries arranged by sub-areas and Traffic Conference Areas.
3.1.1 Traffic Conference Area 1 (TC1)
In its entirety, Area 1 or TC1 is composed of the Western Hemisphere but has several classifications of sub-areas for fare construction purposes, two of which are listed below.

The first classification divides TC1 into the following sub-areas:
1. North America
Canada (CA)
Mexico (MX)
St. Pierre & Miquelon (PM)
2. Central America
Belize (BZ)
Costa Rica (CR)'
El Salvador (SV),
Guatemala (GT)-
Honduras (HN)
Nicaragua (NI)
Guyana (GY)
French Guiana (GF)
Suriname (SR)
3. Caribbean Area,  
Bahamas (BS) -
Bermuda (BM)-
Caribbean Islands*
* Caribbean Islands include Anguilla (AI), Antigua and Barbuda (AG), Aruba (AW), Barbados BB), Cayman Islands (KY), Cuba (CU), Dominica (DM), Dominican Republic (DO), Grenada (GD), Guadeloupe (GP), Haiti (HT), Jamaica (JNI), Martinique (MQ), Montserrat (MS), Netherlands Antilles (AN), St. Kitts and Nevis (KN), St. Lucia (LC), St. Vincent and the Grenadines (VC), Trinidad and Tobago (TT), Turks and Caicos Islands (TC), Virgin Islands- British (VG).
4. South America
For travel wholly within the South American sub-area, the following countries shall also be considered as part of South America:
Argentina (AR) Bolivia (BO) Brazil (BR) Chile (CL), Colombia (CO)
Ecuador (BC) French Guiana (GF) Guyana (GY) Panamá (PA) Paraguay (PY)-
Peru (PE) Suriname (SR) Uruguay (UY) Venezuela (YE)

IATA Geography and Global Indicators

International Travel & Tourism Training Programme

The second classification of TC1 sub-areas include the following:

1. North Atlantic sub-area covers Canada, Greenland (GL), Mexico, and the USA which includes Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands.

2. Mid Atlantic sub-area includes all of the Caribbean Area sub-area, Central America, South America plus Panama Canal zone except Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay.

3. South Atlantic sub-area includes only Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay (ABCPU).
Important: You will sometimes find fare rules that may specify variations in the composition of thc sub-areas. In such eases for the purpose of reference in those rules, you have to take note of certain exceptions to the sub-area definitions.
Area 2 is subdivided into only three main sub-areas. You will find the countries for each sub-area below.

3.1.2 Traffic Conference Area

1. Europe
Albania (AL)- Algeria (DZ) Andorra (AD) Armenia (AM) Austria (AT) Azerbaijan (AZ) Belarus (BY) Belgium (BE) Bosnia Herzegovina (BA) Bulgaria (BG) Croatia (HR) Cyprus (CY) Czech Republic (CZ) Denmark (DK) Estonia (BE) Faroe Islands (FO) Finland (FT). France (FR) Georgia (GE) Germany (DE)  (TC2) Gibraltar (GI) Greece (GR)' Hungary (HU) Iceland (IS)/ Ireland, Rep. of (IE)---A. Italy (IT) Latvia (LV) Liechtenstein (LI) Lithuania (LT) Luxembourg (LU) Macedonia (MK) Malta (MT) Moldova, Rep. of (MD) Monaco (MC) Morocco (MA) Netherlands (NL) Norway (NO) Poland (PL). Portugal (PT) including Azores & Madeira Romania (RO) IATA

International Travel & Tourism Training Programme

Russia in Europe (RU) San Marino (SM) Serbia and Montenegro (CS) Slovakia (SK) Slovenia (SI) Spain, including Balearic & Canary Islands (ES)  Sweden (SE) Switzerland (CH) Tunisia (TN) Turkey (TR) Ukraine (UA) United Kingdom (GB)

Within Europe, you will also find other commonly used sub-groups such as:
• European Common Aviation Area (ECAA) and related
states (28): Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom
• Economic & Monetary Union (EMU) (21): Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, France and its territories including Monaco, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovenia, Spain.
• Scandinavia: Denmark, Norway & Sweden

2. Africa:
Africa is subdivided further into regions such as:
• Central Africa composed of Malawi (MW), Zambia (ZM), Zimbabwe (ZW)
• Eastern Africa composed of Burundi (BI), Djibouti (DJ), Eritrea (ER), Ethiopia (ET), Kenya (KE), Rwanda (RW), Somalia (SO), Tanzania (TZ) and Uganda (UG)
• Southern Africa composed of Botswana (BW), Lesotho (LS), Mozambique (MZ), South Africa (ZA), Namibia (NA), Swaziland (SZ)
• Libya or Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (LY)
• Indian Ocean Islands consisting of the Comoros (KM), Madagascar (MG), Mauritius (MU), Mayotte (YT), Reunion (RE), Seychelles (SC)
Western Africa consisting of Angola (AO), Benin (BY), Burkina Faso (BF), Cameroon (CM), Cape Verde (CV), Central African Republic (CF), Chad (TD), Congo (CG), Cote d'Ivoire (CI), Democratic Republic of Congo (CD), Equatorial Guinea (GQ), Gabon (GA), Gambia (GM), Ghana (GH), Guinea (GN), Guinea

IATA Geography and Global Indicators

International Travel & Tourism Training Programme

Air Fares & Ticketing 1

Bissau,(GW), Liberia (LR), Mali (ML), Mauritania (MR), Niger (NE), Nigeria (NG), Principe and Sao Tome (ST), Senegal (SN), Sierra Leone (SL) and Togo (TG).

3. Middle East
Bahrain (BH). Egypt (EG) Iran (lR) • Iraq (IQ) • Israel (IL) Jordan (JO) Kuwait (KW)
Lebanon (LB) Oman, Sultanate of (OM) Qatar (QA) Saudi Arabia (SA) Sudan (SD) United Arab Emirates (AE) Syrian Arab Republic (SY)- Yemen, Republic of (YE)

3.1.3 Traffic Conference Area 3 (TC3)
Area 3 is composed of the wliole of Asia and the adjacent islands except the part included already in Area 2; the East Indies, Australia, New Zealand the neighbouring islands in the Pacific Ocean except those in TC1

1. South East Asia Sub-area (SEA)
Brunei Darussalam (BN) • Cambodia (KH) China excluding Hong Kong SAP. and Macau SAP. (CN) Chinese Taipei (formerly Taiwan) (TW) Christmas Island (CX) • Cocos (Keeling) Islands (CC) Guam (GU) Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (HK) Indonesia (ID) ' Kazakhstan (KZ) Kyrgyzstan (KG) Laos (LA) Macao Special Administrative Region, China (MO) Malaysia (MY) - Marshall Islands (MH) Micronesia (FM) Mongolia (MN) Myanmar (KM) • Northern Mariana Islands (MP) Palau (PW) Philippines (PH) Russia in Asia (XU) Singapore (SG) Tajikistan (TJ) • Thailand (TH) • Timor Leste (TL)  Turkmenistan (TM)° Uzbekistan (UZ) Viet Nam (VN)
2. South Asian Subcontinent Sub-area (SASC)
Afghanistan (AF). Maldives (MV) Bangladesh (BD) Nepal (NP) Bhutan (BT) Pakistan (PK) India (IN) Sri Lanka (LK)
3.. Japan, Korea Sub-area
Japan (JP) Korea, Democratic Republic of (ICP) Korea, Republic of (KR)
4. South West Pacific Sub-area
merican Samoa (AS) Australia (AU)' Cook Islands (CK)- Fiji (FJ) " French Polynesia (PF) Kiribati (KI) Nauru (NR) New Caledonia including Loyalty Islands (NC) New Zealand (NZ)- Niue (NU) Papua New Guinea (PG) Samoa (WS) Solomon Islands (SB) Tonga (TO)' Tuvalu (TV) Vanuatu (VU) Willis & Futuna Islands (WF) and intermediate islands

International Travel & Tourism Training Programme

(IATA's Traffic Conference Areas and sub-areas are not the same as continents. There are countries that are geographically located in one continent but are classified in another area for IATA fare construction purposes)
Air Fares & Ticketing 1

Fares vary not only by class of service or fare type but also by routing type as represented by global indicators (GI). For example, an economy or Y fare from Los Angeles to Hong Kong via the Atlantic would be higher than the fare paid by the passenger if he travelled via the Pacific.

In order to quote the correct fare, you will need to know the type of routing the passenger is taking. The routing types are represented by global indicators which you will find listed with a short summary in either Section 1.1.3 or Section 2.4.8 of the PAT Training Extract.
On the next pages, you will find the explanation to the various types of global indicators per area and by joint traffic conference areas.
TC1   also refers to travel within Area 1 or the Western Hemisphere. GI: WH - Western Hemisphere travel example: RIO-MIA
TC2 represents travel within Area 2 or the Eastern Hemisphere. GI: EH - for Eastern Hemisphere travel example: GVA-JNB
TC3 also refers-ti travel within Area 3 which is part of Eastern Hemisphere travel. GI: EH - for Eastern Hemisphere routing example: SIN-KBL
TC1-2 Travel between Area 1 and Area 2 GI: AT - via the Atlantic Ocean example: ZRH-NYC-RIO
TC3-1 Travel between Area 3 and Area 1 GI: PA - via the Pacific examples: BJS SFO SEA- TPE BOG - SFO - MNL PN - Transpacific routing between South America and South West Pacific via North America but not via the North and Central Pacific examples: SYD - LAX - MEX - SCL TC1-2-3 Travel between Area 1 and Area 3 via Area 2 GI: AT - via the Atlantic Ocean examples: HKG- LON- YTO RIO- FRA- BKK KI-II - KWI - NYC DAC - NYC (transiting DEL and BRU)

SA - via the South Atlantic routing Between South Atlantic sub-area and Southeast Asia 'r- the Atlantic and via point(s) in Central Africa, Southern Africa, Indian Ocean Islands only or via direct services examples: a) RIO to HKG where the direct flight flies over Johannesburg b) SIN - IVIRU - JNB -SAO
TC2-3 Travel between Area 2 and Area 3 Global Indicators: (by ranking)
AP - via the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans example: BKG-YVR-LON
RU - Between Russia in Europe. and TC3 with a flight coupon on nonstop service between Russia (in Europe) and Japan/ Korea; not via another country(ies) in Europe example: MOW - TYO HKG - SEL - MOW- LED
TS - travel between TC2 and TC3 (which is other than RU/FE/EH) with a flight coupon on nonstop services between Europe and Japan/ Korea examples: a) STO TYO b) BKK - TYO - FRA c) HKG - SEL - MOW - LCA d) MOW - PAR - OSA
FE - travel exclusively between Russia (in Europe)/ Ukraine and Area 3 (other than RU/TS/EH) with a flight coupon on a nonstop sector between Russia (in Europe)/ Ukraine and TC3 other than Japan Korea. examples: a) MOW-SIN b)   - MOW - BJS - TY0
EH - via Eastern Hemisphere (which does not fall under any above-mentioned global indicator) examples: a) BKG - DXB - MOW b) MOW - PAR - SIN c) JNB - KUL - SYD

Three Letter City and Airport Code For Asia
Three Letter City and Airport Code For Europe

 Three Letter City and Airport Code For Africa
 Three Letter City and Airport Code For Australasia & Pacific & North America 
Three Letter City and Airport Code For  Central America & South America


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    1. I am a bit terrified cz we have an exam in Dec and we are still learning the city and airport codes..our course is taking 12wks.. please are you a certified IATA TA??what type of exam do they set?? please I need to know...

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  32. Hello Everybody,
    My name is Ahmad Asnul Brunei, I contacted Mr Osman Loan Firm for a business loan amount of $250,000, Then i was told about the step of approving my requested loan amount, after taking the risk again because i was so much desperate of setting up a business to my greatest surprise, the loan amount was credited to my bank account within 24 banking hours without any stress of getting my loan. I was surprise because i was first fall a victim of scam! If you are interested of securing any loan amount & you are located in any country, I'll advise you can contact Mr Osman Loan Firm via email osmanloanserves@gmail.com

    First name......
    Middle name.....
    2) Gender:.........
    3) Loan Amount Needed:.........
    4) Loan Duration:.........
    5) Country:.........
    6) Home Address:.........
    7) Mobile Number:.........
    8) Email address..........
    9) Monthly Income:.....................
    10) Occupation:...........................
    11)Which site did you here about us.....................
    Thanks and Best Regards.
    Derek Email osmanloanserves@gmail.com

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  34. Hello Everyone. I want you all to know about the hacked atm card, for those of you who been fighting for financial issues, here is a great chance for you to get a blank atm card, you can use this blank atm card to withdraw anywhere around the world, you can withdrawal up to $3,000 USD per day with this card and also you can use it to shop online and attach it to your PayPal, if you want to get one for yourself, contact via email: (harrybrownn59@gmail.com), do not miss this great opportunity of your life, contact them now and thank me later.

  35. i was once living on the street where by things were so hard for me, even to pay off my bills was very difficult for me i have to park off my apartment and start sleeping on the street of Vegas. i tried all i could do to secure a job but all went in vain because i was from the black side of America. so i decided to browse through on my phone for jobs online where i got an advert on Hackers advertising a Blank ATM card which can be used to hack any ATM Machine all over the world, i never thought this could be real because most advert on the internet are based on fraud, so i decided to give this a try and look where it will lead me to if it can change my life for good. i contacted this hackers and they told me they are from Canada and also they have branch all over the world in which they use in developing there ATM CARDS, this men who were French and also experts at ATM repairs, programming and execution who taught me various tips and tricks about breaking into an ATM Machine with a Blank ATM card.i applied for the Blank ATM card and it was delivered to me within 3 days and i did as i was told to and today my life has changed. there is no ATM MACHINES this BLANK ATM CARD cannot penetrate into, because it has been programmed with various tools and software before it will be send to you. i know this is illegal but also a smart way of living Big because the government cannot help us so we have to help our self. if you also want this BLANK ATM CARD you can contact these Hackers at
    email: rexwalkerhacker@gmail.com

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    Do you need finance to start up your own business or expand your business, Do you need funds to pay off your debt? We give out loan to interested individuals and company's who are seeking loan with good faith. Are you seriously in need of an urgent loan contact us.
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  38. Have you heard about programmed ATM card? email: (williamshackers@hotmail.com) or WhatsApp +27730051607 for enquiring on how to get the ATM programmed card.
    We have special cash loaded programmed ATM card of $5000, $10000, $15000, $20000 and any amount your choice you need for you to buy your dream car, house and to start up your own business. Our ATM card can be used to withdraw cash at any ATM or swipe, stores and POS. Our card has daily withdrawal limit depending card balance you order. Contact us via Email if you need a card email: (williamshackers@hotmail.com) or WhatsApp +27730051607.

  39. Hello!!! Basically, i source for reliable and convenient investment firms/investors who can provide project funding, business capital or commercial loans for people, firms or groups with potential project and business.

    Do not hesitate to contact me if you/your contacts are ever in need of funding for their businesses, projects or innovations. If they have any project that require funding contact Email:demoind.investment101@outlook.com

  40. My name is Sara Johnson, I live in california U.S.A and i am a happy woman today? I told my self that any Loan lender that could change my Life and that of my family after been scammed severally by these online loan lenders, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to Them. he gave happiness to me and my family, although at first i found it hard to trust him because of my experiences with past loan lenders, i was in need of a loan of $300,000.00 to start my life all over as a single parents with 2 kids, I met this honest and GOD fearing loan lender online Dr. Dave Logan that helped me with a loan of $300,000.00 U.S. Dollars, he is indeed a GOD fearing man, working with a reputable loan company. If you are in need of loan and you are 100% sure to pay back the loan please contact him on (daveloganloanfirm@gmail.com and Call/Text: +1(501)800-0690 ) .. and inform them Sara Johnson directed you.. Thanks. Blessed Be.

  41. Testimony on how i received my programmed blank atm card to withdraw a maximum of $5,000 daily.

    I would without reservation recommend working with ATM GENIUS LINKS, My Name is Joseph Eric. Programmed Blank Atm Card is no longer a news or a new trend I've been reluctant in purchasing this blank Atm Card all because of what i heard about it online everything seems too good to be true, But i was convinced & shocked when my friend at my place of work got a Programmed Blank Atm Card from ATM GENIUS LINKS & today we both confirmed it really works, without delay i gave it a go. Ever since then I've been able to make a with-drawer of $5,000 daily from the Programmed Atm Card. I'm so excited that ever since i ordered & paid for delivery of the Programmed Atm Card, I didn't get scammed & now i have been able to arrange my life with this Programmed Atm Card, I own a House & a business now kindly contact them today for more inquiries and enlightenment via E-mail: atmgeniuslinks@gmail.com or WhatsApp +1-781-656-7138.

    Your Satisfaction is there Aim and your working with them will be of a good experience, kindly contact them today for more inquiries and enlightenment via E-mail: atmgeniuslinks@gmail.com or WhatsApp +1-781-656-7138.

  42. Hi
    The audience, I finally did my best to be a member of the hood here, to share my testimony about how I finally joined the Illuminati hood and that I was RICH, FAMOUS and STRONG, but I got ripped off several times in the end. clear so contact agent, I was afraid he would ask me a lot of money before he reached the hood but he did not want to buy the items I made for surprise and I am very happy to say today the rich and the world that can do a lot of business with all this, I have a total of 20 million dollars in my personal account and also entrusted me by the Illuminati I am known all over the world for the works done and also have the power to do what I want. Larei İbrahim
    Whats-app: https://wa.me/%2B3197005034579
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  43. Hi
    The audience, I finally did my best to be a member of the hood here, to share my testimony about how I finally joined the Illuminati hood and that I was RICH, FAMOUS and STRONG, but I got ripped off several times in the end. clear so contact agent, I was afraid he would ask me a lot of money before he reached the hood but he did not want to buy the items I made for surprise and I am very happy to say today the rich and the world that can do a lot of business with all this, I have a total of 20 million dollars in my personal account and also entrusted me by the Illuminati I am known all over the world for the works done and also have the power to do what I want. Larei İbrahim
    Whats-app: https://wa.me/%2B3197005034579
    Email: drlareiibrahim@gmail.com

  44. Hi
    The audience, I finally did my best to be a member of the hood here, to share my testimony about how I finally joined the Illuminati hood and that I was RICH, FAMOUS and STRONG, but I got ripped off several times in the end. clear so contact agent, I was afraid he would ask me a lot of money before he reached the hood but he did not want to buy the items I made for surprise and I am very happy to say today the rich and the world that can do a lot of business with all this, I have a total of 20 million dollars in my personal account and also entrusted me by the Illuminati I am known all over the world for the works done and also have the power to do what I want. Larei İbrahim
    Whats-app: https://wa.me/%2B3197005034579
    Email: drlareiibrahim@gmail.com

  45. Hi,

    I am from Auckland, New Zealand. I was stuck with financial situation on Monday and i need to an urgent loan of $12,000 to settle my debt , A friend of mine introduce me to challot Loan Help and i contacted Mr challot for my loan application and to my greatest surprise, i receive my successfully loan today.

    I urge you all in need of a loan to contact Mr challot via email for your loan application: challotloan@gmail.com

  46. Do you need an urgent loan of any kind? Loans to liquidate debts or need to loan to improve your business have you been rejected by any other banks and financial institutions? Do you need a loan or a mortgage? This is the place to look, we are here to solve all your financial problems. We borrow money for the public. Need financial help with a bad creditor in need of money. To pay for a commercial investment at a reasonable rate of 3%, let me use this method to inform you that we are providing reliable and helpful assistance and we will be ready to lend you. Contact us today by email: daveloganloanfirm@gmail.com Call/Text: +1(501)800-0690 And Whatsapp: +1 (315) 640-3560

    Ask Me.

  47. Hello Everybody,
    My name is Ahmad Asnul Brunei, I contacted Mr. Alpha Loan Firm for a business loan amount of $250,000, Then i was told about the step of approving my requested loan amount, after taking the risk again because i was so much desperate of setting up a business to my greatest surprise, the loan amount was credited to my bank account within 24 banking hours without any stress of getting my loan. I was surprise because i was first fall a victim of scam! If you are interested of securing any loan amount & you are located in any country, I'll advise you can contact Mr. Alpha Loan Firm via Email call or add us on what's app+91-9818603391 Contact Us At : clemalphafinance@gmail.com

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  49. INSTANT AFFORDABLE PERSONAL/BUSINESS/HOME/INVESTMENT LOAN OFFER WITHOUT COST/STRESS CONTACT US TODAY VIA Call/Text +1(415)630-7138 Whatsapp +19292227023 Email drbenjaminfinance@gmail.com

    We are financial consultants providing reliable loans to individuals and funding for business, home and projects start up. Are you tired of seeking loans or are you in any financial mess. Do you have a low credit score, and you will find it difficult to get loans from banks and other financial institutions? then worry no more for we are the solution to your financial misfortune. we offer all types of loan ranging from $5,000.00 to $533,000,000.00USD with a low interest rate of 2% and loan duration of 1 to 35 years to pay back the loan secure and unsecured. Are you losing sleep at nights worrying how to get a Legit Loan Lender? Contact us via Call/Text +1(415)630-7138 Email drbenjaminfinance@gmail.com

    Do you have a bad credit? Do you need money to pay bills? Do you need loan to buy, refinance or renovate your home? Is it necessary to start a new business? Do you have an unfinished project due to poor funding? Do you need money to invest in any specialty that will benefit you? DR.BENJAMIN FINANCIER LOANS aims is to provide excellent professional financial services which include the followings

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    Yours Faithfully
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  50. HELLO, I am Rebecca Michaelson by name living in Europe. Here is a good news for those interested. There is away you can earn money without stress contact (THOMAS FREDDIE) for a blank [ATM CARD] today and be among the lucky once who are benefiting from this cards. This PROGRAMMED blank ATM card is capable of hacking into any ATM machine anywhere in the world. I got my master card from a good Hacker on the internet, with this ATM Card I am able to collect $5000 dollars every day via contacts:
    +1 (985) 465-8370 {thomasunlimitedhackers@gmail.com}
    I was very poor but this card have made me rich and happy, If you want to get this opportunity to become rich and establish your business then apply for this Master card, I am so happy about this because i got mine last week and I have used it to get $240,000.00 dollars from THOMAS FREDDIE UNLIMITED Hackers is giving out the card just to help the poor and needy and they ALSO OFFER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE. get yours from THOMAS FREDDIE UNLIMITED HACKERS today. Kindly contact them by Email thomasunlimitedhackers@gmail.com

    Thank You and God bless

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  52. Blank ATM Cards
    We have specially programmed ATM cards for sale.
    These ATM cards can be used to withdraw cash at any ATM machines or swipe & stores, outlets and any point of sales.
    We sell these cards to all our customers and interested buyers all over the world, the cards have a withdrawal limit every week.
    We sell these cards to all our customers and interested buyers worldwide. Some cards have a daily withdrawal limit of $5,000 in ATM and up to $100,000 spending limit depending on the usage.
    We also offer the following services:

    Becoming wealthy and living the lifestyle of the rich and famous is the dream of many people. And whilst most people go to work or seek other ethical methods of making money online.
    The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it because it is blank, it is not traceable and now I have money for business, shopping and enough money for me and my family to live on.
    PROGRAMMED blank ATM card will be delivered to you anywhere in the world.
    Contact Person: Prof Alexander Castro
    E-Mail: atmservices44@yahoo.com
    Email: hacklords.investors@gmail.com

  53. Do you need an urgent loan of any kind? Loans to liquidate debts or need to loan to improve your business have you been rejected by any other banks and financial institutions? Do you need a loan or a mortgage? This is the place to look, we are here to solve all your financial problems. We borrow money for the public. Need financial help with a bad credit in need of money. To pay for a commercial investment at a reasonable rate of 3%, let me use this method to inform you that we are providing reliable and helpful assistance and we will be ready to lend you. Contact us today by email: daveloganloanfirm@gmail.com Call/Text: +1(501)800-0690 And whatsapp: +1 (501) 214‑1395

    Ask Me.


    Has anyone here heard about blank ATM card? An ATM card that allows you to withdraw cash from any Atm machine in the world. No name required, no address required and no bank account required. The Atm card is already programmed to dispense cash from any Atm machine worldwide. I heard about this Atm card online but at first i didn't pay attention to it because everything seems too good to be true, but i was convinced & shocked when my friend at my place of work got the card from guarantee Atm card vendor. We both went to the ATM machine center and confirmed it really works, without delay i gave it a go. Ever since then I’ve been withdrawing $1,500 to $5000 daily from the blank ATM card & this card has really changed my life financially. I just bought an expensive car and am planning to get a house. For those interested in making quick money should contact them on: Email address : besthackersworld58@gmail.com or WhatsApp him on +1(323)-723-2568

  55. DO YOU NEED A PERSONAL/BUSINESS/INVESTMENT LOAN? CONTACT US TODAY VIA WhatsApp +19292227023 Email drbenjaminfinance@gmail.com

    Loan Offer Alert For Everyone! Are you financially down and you need an urgent credit/financial assistance? Or are you in need of a loan to start-up/increase your business or buy your dream house. Are you in search of a legit loan? Tired of Seeking Loans and Mortgages? Have you been turned down by your banks? Have you also been scammed once? Have you lost money to scammers or to Binary Options and Cryptocurrency Trading, We will help you recover your lost money and stolen bitcoin by our security FinanceRecovery Team 100% secured, If you are in financial pains consider your financial trauma over. We Offer LOANS from $3,000.00 Min. to $30,000,000.00 Max. at 2% interest rate NO MATTER YOUR CREDIT SCORE. GET YOUR INSTANT LOAN APPROVAL 100% GUARANTEED TODAY VIA WhatsApp:+19292227023 Email: drbenjaminfinance@gmail.com

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